As a native in the San Francisco Bay Area, most every day, I feel so grateful to have deep roots in this place I call home. It delights my senses to see the diversity, individuality, creativity and human spirit pulsate and feed my deep roots in this community.

My yoga education comes from many of the best yoga teachers in northern California and many named some of the most influential in the yoga community.

As a practitioner over 26 years, I continue to learn the power of the physical, mental and spiritual practice of yoga. I breathe easier, live happier, live healthier, and love stronger. Yoga supports and heals from the inside out. This is why I chose to become a Registered Yoga Teacher and share my knowledge with others. If you can breathe, you can do yoga. I believe yoga is a pathway towards self awareness, self healing, and self love that will encourage space to live fully, happily and lovingly.

May there be peace for all…

Namaste’ Carrie McAllen, RYT 200

Carrie has lived in the Montclair area of the Oakland Hills since 1999 with her amazing husband , daughter, Teagan and fur babies, Bonnie & Ellie (The pups), and Squeakers & Happy (The cats).