The Teachings

Hatha Yoga

The teachings are in the Hatha Style - This branch of yoga involves physical practices to calm the body, mind, and spirit in preparation for higher spiritual work; meditation. ‘Ha’ means sun and ‘Tha’ means moon, Hatha yoga aims at unison of the solar and lunar energies within you for enhanced mental peace. With the regular practice of Hatha yoga asanas, practitioners can gain sound body and mind that helps one to attain inner happiness. Also, Hatha yoga is the elemental step towards balancing of the masculine and feminine in a person that intensifies your consciousness.

Restorative Yoga

A restorative practice is more of a yin style of yoga, as opposed to more yang styles that involve more movement and more muscular effort. Restorative yoga uses long-held, supported resting poses to create the conditions for us to cultivate the skill of conscious relaxation and most importantly to release unnecessary habitual tension in the body and mind. It's a little bit closer to a meditation practice than a movement practice — it's a way of practicing "meditation" as a somatic, embodied experience.